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- "A life without a bit of craziness is not worth living". - I'm a thinker, even though I often live life with less thinking. - "Rules are made to be broken."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The story of fish that might

Life is what happens from one bottom of the river to another, down the line.
I'm a fish in this river that starts out so calm but gets wild and mighty after every rain. Seems my life is feisty, but if truth is told, my life is like yours: fears, dreams and dares.
I see other fish taking this journey hiding under each rock they find on their way. They have so much fear in themselves that they never really learn to swim.
I took a chance when I was young, clueless and pretty shameless. I caught a wave and saw myself... not only swimming, but jumping out of the water, full of joy. I dared to jump over a rock and the thrill was suddenly so intense, that I started shining with a glimmer I had never had.
Oh, I was so happy! Days and days I kept jumping, radiant and amazed. Then, one day I got tired and stopped out of breath; took some time to recover, then got on it again. I was so thrilled with jumping and catching glimpses of the whole world out there, that one day... some... creature caught me. Here I was; in a net. I saw two big eyes stare at me on the sand. I hear of stories where my brothers ended up on a plate so I kept right on fighting: fight to the end! But the eyes started smiling: "He's so shiny!" - they said. And somehow, because I'm different... I ended up in a tank.
Man, oh man, was it cool there! I made so many friends! And the best part about it: there was food on command. But outside, through the window, I could still see a pond. It was smaller than mine and the flow seemed more tame. There were flowers around it, beautiful rocks and sand... You could fly in the air where the skies never end... It was like a dream place; I just had to be there!
So I started jumping, lifted up once again. With my spirits growing and my will to get there I just... failed to notice I was still in a tank. So I almost fell, well... flew out of the tank. But the God's old great mercy, just when to land, two small hands - uh - caught me; put me back in the tank. Then, I heard some chatter, as in came the big man. I was so sad and scared I just floated ahead. Didn't notice the net coming down at the end. Was I still alive? Was I going dead? To exhausted of fighting... I just rested right there. I heard so much laughter as I flew through the air. Then the breeze hit my scales and they finally dropped me. I was... I was... I was there!
Life is full of corners that sometimes seem like walls. If we keep on climbing and pushing ahead, many things can happen. So go! Always dare!

Denisa Dobrin (Jan 8, 2010)

1 comment:

sixtall-legs said...

Wish you always find the greatest rivers to play, to jump high above the water and dive deep inside, and no more little tanks but a big ocean where you can play with other happy fishes like you :-)